Merger Communications

WSFS / Bryn Mawr Trust Pre-Conversion Communications
For this in-market merger, there was significant geographic overlap in the branch network; 34 offices – some WSFS, some BMT – would close when the systems were integrated. With receipt of regulatory approvals still pending, to meet the 90-day advance notice requirement, the bank had to mail a preliminary announcement of expected branch closing dates.
Delays in approvals from the regulators meant delays in the legal close as well as the systems conversion and branch closing dates. Customers of both banks had to be notified of the new dates.
Send an integration update to BMT and WSFS customers 90 days in advance of the anticipated conversion date, meeting the 90-day branch closing requirement by clearly stating that the integration and closures were “pending receipt of regulatory approval.” Multiple versions of this preliminary communication included highlights of new opportunities of the combined institution, variables for target segments, FAQs and a brochure detailing all the closing branch information.
When approvals were delayed, a second letter was mailed shortly after the legal close confirming new dates for the conversion and branch closing. The approach was matter-of-fact, yet upbeat, setting expectations of a smooth transition and new opportunities.
The conversion welcome package, mailed 30 days prior to the systems integration, included personalized product change information and key transition information along with a brand brochure and requisite disclosures.