Women’s History Month: One Woman’s Perspective

By Hillary Kelbick, President & CEO

With Women’s History Month upon us, I took some time to reflect on my journey with MKP, the company I started more than 27 years ago. I had no clue at the time I started the firm what it would be like to enter a business primarily dominated by men and to do so at a time where being an executive was not necessarily compatible with being an ambitious working mother.

Gender Pronouns at Work

By Phil Ziff, Project Manager

You may have noticed that more and more people have been adding gender pronouns to their professional email signatures. While this topic is relatively new in the business world, it is an important practice to consider in 2021.

A quick grammar lesson.

Love In the Time of the Pandemic – Employee Edition

The first thing we did back in March 2020 when the pandemic got serious was obvious: We closed our offices and carried on with our day-to-day business virtually. It went off without any hitches. We instituted a daily 30-minute “water cooler” call on which we connected, covering personal subjects (who cooked what, watched what, got engaged, went to the dentist, etc.) and business matters (work in progress, deliverables, etc.) The team continued to feel connected.

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